Thursday, March 29, 2012

For You!

i don't really know who is even reading this but anyway today i am not giving YOU fashion you are! so just write in some of your ideas on the comment button below!!!Thanks for all your support.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Bling!

Hey, sorry i haven't been writing posts...again.Anyway i am here to talk about spring bling! Basically it's summer style but it the style is basically any t-shirt or ten top with shorts or knee length khakis, with a spring bling scarf and stylish flip flops or sandals. that's basically it not unless you want to add one of those little tops that you wear on top of a shirt. Surprisingly cheap and cool AND don't forget BLING!!!

TIP: for even more color add a colorful hairband or sunglasses or something! it's ok to go over top. (i think!)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Winter fashion

hi there,sorry i haven't been writing lately.Today i am going to talk about winter fashion,winter fashion isn't always those furry coats and expensive cheetah vests and turtle necks. Winter fashion can also be a plan colored turtle neck with a colorful scarf and some black pants.But if that's not enough for you,you can always go for the black turtle neck and a cheetah vest with some black pants,and to top it of also black colored boots or high heels.And if thats not your style maybe this IS:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

summer fashion!

Hi,again today i am here to talk about SUMMER fashion ,i hope you like my idea.Here is how i thought of it ,it was Tuesday morning i was trying to think of
something to wear then an idea popped up in my mind '' maybe i could make a
list of days for what i am going to wear''. So i did that . Here is an example:


sassy!          ssmooth!   mall!        trickie!       WOW!          ttighht!!      fashion!

that's what i did .Today for summer i am wearing some nice patched pink shorts
a purple tentop and a gold scarf.If you have any ideas for summer fashion you can post it in comments.

Here are some photos.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Princess kates wedding dress fashion

Today i am going to talk or type about princess kate and her wedding dress .......
though it really isn't fashionable but it still looks pretty.So i guess i will start with

Thursday, March 10, 2011

fashion shows

today i am going to show you a couple of fashion clothes and show pictures.

how you can make your room fashion ROCK!!!!

fashionable rooms are rooms that are hot pink and turquoise even actually what you think is fashion so really i can give some tips i guess i mean that is what i am supposed to do but i am sure that you have plenty ideas to ,so fashionable rooms are like rooms with nice patterns and
may be a touch up of fancy butterflies or flowers even though that might be like baby stuff
if i didn't explain good in of take a look at these pictures.