Saturday, February 5, 2011

different fashion sports

there alot of different kinds of sports fashion there is tennis dresses and cheerleader outfits and lots of other things like swimsuits.But right now we are going to be talking about the first one tennis fashion.Now talking about tennis fashion we will be going through a lot of dresses and here are some pictures of dresses that i found.So tennis dresses are
very short usually and can be all sorts of
colors,OK now that we have talked about
all about tennis dresses lets move on to
cheerleading outfits always have style to attract the audience and kinda the players.They are stylish and encouraging to the players,you know when someone is on your side and cheering for you , you just feel like you should do your best you now, now that we have talked about cheerleading outfits like i said we are going
to move on.Oh! i al most for got here is a picture of a cheerleading outfit that i found just in case you don't get exactly where i am going.Moving on to fashion swimsuits WAIT! i almost forgot if you have looked at my other post ''fashion on
Ice'' then good because i won't be showing or talking about ''Ice fashion''in this
post.Back to swimsuits so i am sure everyone has seen a swimsuit if you haven't
then let me guess,you live in the desert if not {Email me} no just kidding.Now
where were we ah yes! you've already seen a swimsuit and bla bla bla!! now
fashionable swimsuits what would they look like well, lets start with pictures first
for once!.So here are some pictures that i found,..aaaagain.So do you get it good
because i really want to move on now , OK good lets move on.The next fashion
sports is golf...... no i am kidding golf doesn't
have much stlye anyway so the real next fashion
sport is gymnastics. Now gymnastics can be very fashionable and very stylish sometimes so be prepared to be blown
AWAY!! {away,away,away}anyway here is a picture of what i think is
fashionable gymnastic suit.And that's
it for now,talk to you on my next post!.

sports fashion

this post is going to be about sports fashion ,as you know.Sports fashion has like fashionable tank tops and tennis dresses and stuff like that.My cousin is kinda more on the sporty side then on the girly side ,but there's
no problem with that .Now back to sports fashion if you don't get the idea then take a look at this.

fashion on Ice

what i like about ice skating is  that you get to glide and things that you can't do on land. Even i do Ice skating myself. One night i couldn't go to sleep because i couldn't stop thinking about Ice skating it felt like i had to do it right now. And then i stayed up till 1:00 in the morning and all that time from 10-1:00 in the morning. I was watching Ice skaters well, Ice skate in Olympics and competitions they were so smooth skating.And now that i told you about them why don't i show you them.
and that is fashion on Ice.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The home made costume

last hallowen i was katara from the last airbender and we made a home made costume my dad got angry sometimes with the sewing machine and we almost didn't get it done but we did and it was a great sucsess
oh,and we even made something to look like i was atually waterbending and it was sooooooooooooo cool!!!
we even did the hair style and everything! last hallowen rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here is a picture of me wearing my costume with my hair done and everything!.

dresses that i like

I like dresses that have fashion and dresses that have style as an example here is one that i like.So you can kind  of see where i am going right good i really ,really,really,really liked this dress so much i looked at the price and it
said $38.35---$62.70 i would definitely go for $38.35 for that dress it is so-
ooooooooooooo pretty what do you think of this dress?

barbie fashion

what i like about barbie fashion is that well,first of all their clothes are easier to make and their cloth is really
fashionable here is an example of how fashionable things can get in barbie world i think that barbie fasion is really pretty and here is a picture on your left showing some of the acssesories and clothes she
could wear.So barbie fashion can get pretty big but still the clothes are really pretty and really fashionable.

what i like about Fashion

I like fashion because it has the style and fashion, just is really pretty when i see someone wear fashionable clothes i just always say to myself
''when i get home i am going to do some fashionable'' and then i either
try to design some clothes or, i draw fashionable clothes or, i wear fashionable  cloth so fashion really means alot to me .So here is a sample dress that i picked out and i thought that it was really pretty
it has the flower design on it and i think it is really pretty you can
find other images and pictures if you just type in fashion clothes for
girls and click on images on the upper left corner and you can see other
really pretty dresses .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fashion clothes

hi again this is the post that would be all about fashion so I'll get to it !
now, clothes fit for fashion would be clothes that have style and clothes that just look like they have the star.
clothes that are fashionable would like be not like straight here is a sample of what i think fashion is.
and other kinds of clothes like ruffled red shirts with a brown belt and a yellow buckle and those are clothes fit for fashion.
what is the right fashion for you
do you now the right kind of fashion for you well that is a tricky question.well first what do you look like if you have black hair i suggest
that you wear the colors red,blue and,purple and if you have to wear
pink that is OK just make sure you wear some good earrings like
hang down ones if you don't have your ears pierced then you can
get clip on ones at Claire's  now on if you have blond hair then i suggest
you wear the colors light blue,maybe just maybe red white and light purple are OK to i guess and trust me i have friends that have those hair
colors ... they look fabulous in the colors. And now on to brown hair
I would suggest you wear the colors pink,maybe blue and thats it

  more pictures of fashionable clothes

starting a blog

I just started this blog and i think its going to be very fun making it this is the very first time i am doing this the next post i am going to make is going to be all about Fashion i am really girly  i am going to put a picture and everything it is going to be great.