Saturday, February 5, 2011

different fashion sports

there alot of different kinds of sports fashion there is tennis dresses and cheerleader outfits and lots of other things like swimsuits.But right now we are going to be talking about the first one tennis fashion.Now talking about tennis fashion we will be going through a lot of dresses and here are some pictures of dresses that i found.So tennis dresses are
very short usually and can be all sorts of
colors,OK now that we have talked about
all about tennis dresses lets move on to
cheerleading outfits always have style to attract the audience and kinda the players.They are stylish and encouraging to the players,you know when someone is on your side and cheering for you , you just feel like you should do your best you now, now that we have talked about cheerleading outfits like i said we are going
to move on.Oh! i al most for got here is a picture of a cheerleading outfit that i found just in case you don't get exactly where i am going.Moving on to fashion swimsuits WAIT! i almost forgot if you have looked at my other post ''fashion on
Ice'' then good because i won't be showing or talking about ''Ice fashion''in this
post.Back to swimsuits so i am sure everyone has seen a swimsuit if you haven't
then let me guess,you live in the desert if not {Email me} no just kidding.Now
where were we ah yes! you've already seen a swimsuit and bla bla bla!! now
fashionable swimsuits what would they look like well, lets start with pictures first
for once!.So here are some pictures that i found,..aaaagain.So do you get it good
because i really want to move on now , OK good lets move on.The next fashion
sports is golf...... no i am kidding golf doesn't
have much stlye anyway so the real next fashion
sport is gymnastics. Now gymnastics can be very fashionable and very stylish sometimes so be prepared to be blown
AWAY!! {away,away,away}anyway here is a picture of what i think is
fashionable gymnastic suit.And that's
it for now,talk to you on my next post!.

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